Lumecca Treatment (Great for Pigmentation or Redness)

from CA$225.00

🎯 Lumecca is a breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) that delivers up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range to improve efficacy for vascular and pigmented lesions.
💥You will transform your skin the first 48 hours, you may have common side effects like a reddish or pink hue on skin, like with a sunburn. Your skin will feel especially sensitive.
collagen and elastin growth!
⚡️ The device’s heat also stimulates your body’s natural collagen production, making pores look smaller and skin look firmer and smoother.
🌸Pigmented lesions will come to the surface of skin. Often looking like “ground coffee” It will take a week for it to slough off.
🙌🏻 How many treatments sessions you'll need will depend on the severity of skin damage you have, but the typical number is two.
⏰The treatment time is approximately 30minutes
⚠️ No Sun Exposure Prior to treatments
If you have been in the sun 🌞 for more than 45 mins please wait 14-21 days to have the area treated. Please make sure you use a sunblock at all times.
Do not use any sunless tanning products prior to any laser treatments.
To avoid scarring, don’t rub or clean your skin too vigorously—and avoid picking at the dark spots.
😧Pain control is described as moderate
📅The skin could be red for approximately 2-4 hours afterwards
Wait a week before resuming any topical retinoid or exfoliator, including a facial brush. Avoid waxing - skin treatments such as microdermabrasion removing facial hair via wax, or laser for two weeks.
No prep required -Make up can be applied the next day

This service is non-refundable but credit can be used in the clinic

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